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Orthodontic exposure

Why do I need an orthodontic exposure?

Your orthodontist would like to progress with your orthodontic care and we have been asked to see you in regard to helping a tooth erupt that has not erupted.

Once this is done your orthodontist can continue with your treatment.

What will my treatment entail?

We always assess our young people first. Your initial appointment will allow you to meet us and talk about your treatment.

We can plan to do your treatment with simple local anaesthetic. We can also plan to offer some sedation if you are a little worried.

On the day of treatment you will be nicely sedated (if you have chosen this option). We then numb the area and uncover the tooth simply.

A little 'window' is left around your tooth. A gold bracket and chain is fixed to your tooth.

Your orthodontist will then use this to guide your tooth into line with your other teeth.

Sometimes dissolving stitches are placed but these soon disappear.

Please contact us to discuss further.

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2024 Balbirnie Oral Care