Oral medicine
What is oral medicine and why am I coming to see you?
Your dentist is asking that we see you to investigate something that appears to be unusual in your mouth. There are a vast range of reasons for changes in the soft tissues of your mouth.
Dr Savin is able to assess you and offer simple initial diagnosis. Sometimes a small biopsy is required as a definitive pathology report can help with diagnosis of some presentations.
A treatment and management regime can then be tailored to suit your needs with planned reviews in place.
What will my treatment entail?
You will attend for an initial assessment. After examination, a small biopsy may be performed under simple local anaesthetic.
If required, you will return 4 weeks later for review. Otherwise, we will call you with the results.
If no biopsy is required you will be given further instructions and advice and perhaps left on open review so you can contact us at any point in future.
Each case is very individual.
Please contact us to discuss further.
Your dentist is asking that we see you to investigate something that appears to be unusual in your mouth. There are a vast range of reasons for changes in the soft tissues of your mouth.
Dr Savin is able to assess you and offer simple initial diagnosis. Sometimes a small biopsy is required as a definitive pathology report can help with diagnosis of some presentations.
A treatment and management regime can then be tailored to suit your needs with planned reviews in place.
What will my treatment entail?
You will attend for an initial assessment. After examination, a small biopsy may be performed under simple local anaesthetic.
If required, you will return 4 weeks later for review. Otherwise, we will call you with the results.
If no biopsy is required you will be given further instructions and advice and perhaps left on open review so you can contact us at any point in future.
Each case is very individual.
Please contact us to discuss further.